Saturday, July 27

Write For Us – Real Estate Blog

Do you want to submit a guest post to our real estate blog? What a great idea!

guest post at real estate blog

Why you should do guest blogging?

It helps you to build new connections, helps Google to find your website more easily, and of course might bring you new leads and sales.

Becoming a contributor at Realestaeinformations

Reach out to us and let us know which topics you’d like to write about.

We might approve one of them or we will suggest you cover another subject.

Once the article is ready simply send it to us for future consideration and approval.

If it meets our criteria it will be posted on the site within a few days.

Our email:

An email that says, “Guest Post” in the subject line will get a better response than one that starts with something else.

Article requirements

  • Format: Google doc with headers and subheaders
  • Quality: only good quality content will be published.
  • Word count: 1000 words or more
  • At least 3 relevant images from any of these photo stocks