Saturday, July 27

Generating Leads with Traffic Coming from Google

One of the most common challenges many small and medium business owners face today is lead generation. If you do an online search for “how to get leads for my business”, some of the results you’ll get may include cold-calling and sending bulk SMS. However, these marketing strategies aren’t as effective in generating leads as they used to be. This is the reason why marketers are always on the hunt for a more effective way to generate qualified leads. 

In this guide, we will share with you some useful tips and tricks on how you can get leads through Google traffic.

How to get leads for my business through Google traffic

Here are a few tips you can use to increase your leads using traffic on the biggest search engine of today.

Look for genuine leads to collect

It’s possible that not all leads generated by your lead capture forms are genuine. This can happen because of different reasons, such as:

  • An automated program, which generates spam, crawled your forms

  • Your landing page wasn’t clear enough
  • Your forms didn’t validate the information submitted

While Google does not have control over a user’s behaviour when they visit your website, there are other methods you can utilise to avoid getting ‘fake’ leads, such as the following. Adding a captcha to your forms will help validate that it is a human who will be submitting them. Enabling auto-tagging in AdWords will attach a GCLID-parameter to your landing page’s URL. If the parameter is missing on the URL, then the pageview did not come from your AdWords ad.

Make sure your landing pages are optimised

Your landing page should be ready when visitors get redirected to it. Your visitors won’t stick around for long if your landing page does not meet or exceed their expectations. So, make sure that your landing pages are easy to navigate and optimised to load quickly. It should also conform to the Google landing page guidelines.

Advertise your landing pages

To get your campaigns in front of the right people, you need to advertise your landing pages. And, what better way to do this than using AdWords? This advertising service allows you to advertise on Google Search Network, Google Display Network, and Youtube.

Optimise your AdWords campaign

Optimise your AdWords campaign by bidding on the right keywords, using negative keywords when necessary, and setting up conversion tracking. You should also use accurate, engaging, and descriptive ad text. To determine which one of your ads is more effective, you can monitor the conversion rate and bounce rate of each landing page and compare it to the other ad text driving traffic to your page.

Take note of visitor submissions

Record all necessary information when a visitor submits a lead form. Such information includes the visitor’s IP address, the referrer URL, user agent, and the Google Click Identifier (Gclid) parameter (if applicable). Using this list of information, you can identify the clicks coming from your ads and if there are any suspicious patterns.

If you’re dubious about the pattern of activity from the visitors redirected to your website via AdWords, don’t hesitate to contact your AdWords representative and forward the IP addresses and Gclids of the suspicious activity. 

Best practices in maximising conversions with AdWords

the picture shows the word adwords

As previously implied, another important answer to the question “how to get leads for my business?” is using AdWords. Learn the best practices that can help you maximise conversions using Google’s advertising service.

Align your landing pages with your ad copies

Your ad copy and landing page copy should promote the same message to avoid confusing your visitors. The verbiage doesn’t have to be exactly the same, but the intent or call to action should be the same. Don’t fall into the trap of calling your product or service with two different names, hoping that you’ll attract more leads that way. In most cases, the non-symmetric messaging will just confuse your visitors. 

Conduct proper A/B tests

If you’re a small business owner with a limited budget, conducting an A/B test on more than three variations of your ads at once may not be a good idea. Having too many ads can strain your budget. 

It will also be more difficult for you to tell which ad copy performs best. In most cases, you’ll need at least 300 clicks or conversions for you to determine which ad copy works the best statistically.

Utilise ad extensions

You can think of ad extensions as a marketing tool that allows you to add contact information, links, or images to your advertisement. Aside from making your ads stand out, these extensions also allow leads to learn more about your business and what you offer, and  help drive more traffic to your landing pages.

Do take note that even Google has its own ad extensions

If you’re working on a limited budget, you will have no choice but to pinch your pennies. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get good results without spending a huge amount of money. With Google AdWords, it’s possible to generate more leads even with a low budget. It also allows you to focus your efforts on creating a service or product that will maximise your AdWords ROI.

Generate quality, qualified leads with Ardor SEO

Knowing how to use relevant and high-intention keywords can help you target and generate more leads, as well as drive more conversions—even on your first try. However, if Google AdWords, ad extensions, and everything else make your head spin, you can always seek the help of a professional digital marketing agency.

Ardor SEO can optimise your website to give it high rankings on search engines, which can help you generate more traffic. And, the more traffic you get, the higher number of site visitors you can turn into leads. Plus, if your site visitors stay, read your contents, and click through other pages of your site, your search engine rankings will go even higher.

We don’t just help you generate traffic; we also make sure that you get quality, qualified leads. After all, what is more traffic if they don’t convert, right? So, whatever kind of conversion you need—whether more email subscriptions or form inquiries—we can help devise a plan that can increase your site’s traffic and ensure that it converts.